We connect Asian community and local community.

Halitube is a staple organization and platform in the life of the Asian communities in Atlantic Canada. We aim to help Asian newcomers, immigrants, and tourists.


We benefit both communities.

Halitube is a bridge connected local communities with Asian communities. We contribute enormous value to both communities in economy, culture, and tourism aspect.


Economy & Business

All-in-one solution for hourly, salary, and vendors. With just a couple clicks, you’re all done!

Culture & Community

Say goodbye to expensive transaction or processing fees. Enjoy a flat rate based on sales.

Tourism & Hospitality

Instantly receive cash back on vendor services and purchases – up to 5% on select vendors.


Halitube 2022 Asian Heritage Month Events.

Interview Relay

We will be inviting significant individuals who support the growth of Asian communities, along with standing out Asian representatives, to discuss how and what could help Asian Nova Scotians find their place in the local lives and how can we use the power of being an Asian to support the development of local cultures and businesses.

Cultural Craft Showcases

We will bring some of the most amazing Asian artists to Halifax Shopping Centre. The pop-up stores will be able to showcase and sell their products in the hottest spot in the HSC, and part of the income will go to Feed Nova Scotia. It’s a great way to showcase Asian arts to the local community.


First and only Asian themed beer/seltzer in NS.

Stop Asian Hate by creating something tasty

2 years into the pandemic, anti-Asian hate is still on the rise in Canada. We partnered with Good Robot Brewing Co. and produced a seltzer to stop the hate by letting two communities get together, drink beer, and communicate. Communication is the first step to stop the hate.

A new way to do business

Halitube encourage more businesses to try cross-community and cross-industry ways.


Money Saving

Kora Partners


Become a partner.

Value is right around the corner. Partner Halitube today and see how much value Asian communities can bring to Maritimes.

The TUBE is open. We’re happy to help. ⚡️


Fun fact.

According to Nova Scotia government figures, trade between China and Nova Scotia grew in value to $1 billion in 2019 from $197 million in 2013.
