Halitube promotes the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia to a diverse audience.

Halitube makes a video about Maud Lewis and participates in insight-gathering for the art gallery.

Art Gallery Nova Scotia (AGNS) is central to cultural life in Halifax. It features the famous tiny home and artworks of Nova Scotia folk artist Maud Lewis. The biographical movie of her life -  Maudie - was a big hit in the Chinese community,  both in Canada and in Mainland China. We wanted to promote this aspect of Nova Scotia’s cultural fabric and history to the Asian community in Nova Scotia.

AGNS also reached out to Halitube to participate in a program to seek input from a diverse audience in Halifax. They wanted to hear the opinions of new Canadians on the proposed new art gallery. Halitube was asked to deliver the Asian perspective to a video meeting organized by the art gallery.



We understand the habit of visiting, shopping and tourism choice of the Chinese community, and we designed this episode base on that.


We use the power of digital content, to present, deliver and highlight businesses for our audiences.


With the influence of the community, we have successfully introduced this hidden gem in the city to the community, from a different approach.


What We Did

Halitube produced video on the art gallery as a destination for Asians

The art gallery project was part of Halitube’s theme series of Summer Destinations. We produced a video episode featuring an art gallery (without showing too many artworks due to copyright) as one of these destinations. The video targeted Chinese visitors to the gallery. We also featured the gallery experience in a social media campaign.


Featuring a diverse community.

We produced professional photographs featuring behind-the-scenes views of the gallery. Halitube Magazine published a double-page spread featuring the Maud Lewis permanent exhibit with the aim of reaching a diverse audience. We also produced content for the WeChat channel followed by Asian Nova Scotians.

We also organized a video conference, between the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Asian Haligonians, showing perspectives and input of New Canadians on the new gallery in a special panel convened to get input from a diverse audience.


The Result

Asian Nova Scotians are introduced to the AGNS and to Maud Lewis

The Halitube episode received 3,000 tractions via YouTube and the WeChat social media channel the Halitube Magazine with the Maud Lews article was distributed around Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada, with,3000+ copies in circulation.

We also delivered a video of the video discussion panel, featuring 20 Asians giving their input on what they would like to see in the new gallery.


More perspectives,
more impacts.
