Halitube Promotes Lunar New Year w/ Halifax Shopping Centre in 2021

HSC celebrates Asian festival and attracts diverse shoppers

In the 3rd year of LNY campaign 2021, Halifax Shopping Centre faced challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic which impacted in-person shopping. We created a campaign to celebrate this festival with the Chinese community and to continue building a connection with diverse shoppers.



After 2 consecutive years of Lunar New Year campaigns with the HSC, we are excited to present it differently, in a safe way under the pandemic.


We use the power of digital content, to present, deliver and highlight businesses for our audiences.


We celebrate Lunar New Year, one of the biggest festivals in Asian culture, with the biggest shopping mall in Atlantic Canada.


What We Did

2020 Theme: Health and Safety First.

Rather than film in the shopping centre, we used an empty studio in Halifax Place for production. This year the theme is "Shopping Spree".

We reduced in-person contact by staggering the shoot and requiring PPE at all times, except for on-air time.

The program offered gift cards for young Asian shoppers. 

  • Purchase an $800 shopping card with an extra $98 free

  • Purchase $200 to receive $18.88 extra 

  • Deal valid for 1 week


We optimized the time and space

We invited five influencers to model various styles and outfits from HSC to welcome Spring. Each influencer chose a different style and product: 

  • Casual 

  • Formal, 

  • Technical

  • Cosmetics

  • Cozy

  • Going out.

We created a professional photography studio on-site to take shots of the models. We also did  Behind Scene photography. We produced a stylized episode for our Halitube Youtube channel and wrote an article on the event, the gift card program and LNY giveaways for the Halitube WeChat official account.


The Result

Halitube campaign deepens relationships with young Asians

$33,000 in gift cards sold in 1 week.

The campaign deepened the relationship between HSC and the young Asian Community which was thrilled to celebrate their holiday with the shopping centre. 

We received over 4.1K impressions on our WeChat Official Account and YouTube channel.


More perspectives,
more impacts.
