Halitube Promotes Lunar New Year w/ Halifax Shopping Centre

The first Lunar New Year collaboration between HSC and Halitube.

Lunar New Year has become one of the most significant festivals of international culture in Canada. Halifax Shopping Centre wanted to celebrate this occasion with the Chinese community in Halifax. It wanted to reach out to diverse communities and target young Asians in Halifax and Nova Scotia.  HSC asked Halitube to collaborate on a campaign to engage this community and make them feel welcome at the shopping centre by celebrating LNY.



This was our first-ever Lunar New Year campaign with the Halifax Shopping Centre, we designed this to match the LNY shopping habit of our audiences.


We use the power of digital content, to present, deliver and highlight businesses for our audiences.


We celebrate Lunar New Year, one of the biggest festivals in Asian culture, with the biggest shopping mall in Atlantic Canada.


What We Did

We turned the Red Packet into gift cards.

The Halitube team understands the community of young Chinese in Nova Scotia because it has already established a strong following through its Halitube video series and various social media channels.

The Halitube team helped HSC understand that the young Chinese community likes to celebrate by shopping. 

Together,  we developed a new gift card campaign, available exclusively to the Chinese community in Halifax. Customers could receive a bonus of $18.88 gift card with a $200 gift card purchase.

Halitube produced a video episode on the HSC LNY celebration on its  YouTube channel. The show introduces and highlights HSC vendors to Chinese shoppers who sample fashions, makeup and home decor.


We put our content into use

For this campaign with the Halifax Shopping Centre, we have developed a chain and series of content, including:

  • 1 Episode of Halitube

  • 1 WeChat article highlighting vendors and businesses that were featured in this episode

  • WeChat timeline posts featuring behind-the-scenes of this production

  • Behind the scene photography


The Result

Halitube has helped attracted more International students to the HSC

This campaign welcomed Asian shoppers to the shopping centre by celebrating their festival with them.

The campaign generated $16,000 in gift card sales within two weeks. It also introduced young Asian shoppers to shopping centre vendors.

We got over 6.4K impressions and nearly 70 engagements on Halitube’s WeChat Official Account and YouTube.


More perspectives,
more impacts.
